First of all, congrats, Mom-to-be! You’re about to embark on a life-changing journey! (Of course, if this isn’t your first, you don’t need us to tell you this.) But just because you’re about to bring new life into the world, that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on your love of travel. It might seem intimidating to hop on a plane and jet off around the world when you’ve got a baby on board. But with a few simple precautions and helpful tips, you can keep having adventures until it’s time to pack your bag for the hospital!

Before you go:

● Think ahead. When choosing a destination, avoid places that require vaccination or anywhere prone to mosquito-borne illness such as Zika, malaria, or dengue fever.
●Buy travel insurance – you should always get travel insurance anyway, but especially if you’re traveling while pregnant. Check the fine print and make sure pregnancy-related issues are covered.
● Find the nearest medical facilities where you’re going. It’s good to know where the local hospital is, just in case. And take your maternity notes with you.

● Time it properly. Most people say that between 12 and 36 weeks is the best time in pregnancy to travel – you have more energy and less nausea in your second trimester. Check with the airline to see if they require a doctor’s or midwife’s note allowing you to travel past a certain gestation time.
● Be realistic with planning. You’re simply not going to be able to pack as much in a day as you used to – and that’s fine, you deserve the rest!
On the plane:
● Book an aisle seat, as you’ll be getting up to use the bathroom more than normal. You don’t want to be hauling your belly over someone sitting next to you!
● Wear comfy, loose-fitting clothing on the plane, and shoes you can easily slip on and off.
● Buckle up! Make sure you wear your seatbelt across your hips under your bump.

● Wear stylish stockings. Ask your doctor about wearing compression socks. You’re more prone to deep-vein thrombosis while pregnant, so compression socks can help.
● Get up every 30 minutes if possible to walk the length of the plane to get your circulation going.
On the trip:

● Eat right. You know which foods you should be avoiding and which ones give you gas – be sensible.
●Drink bottled water and avoid ice if you’re going somewhere where water cleanliness is a concern.
● More naps. When you’re planning excursions, allow time for more rest breaks and toilet stops than usual. Download the Flush Toilet Finder app to help you find bathrooms on the go – it’ll be a lifesaver, trust!

● Slather on the sunscreen! Your skin is more sensitive during pregnancy, so layer on the SPF 5- and wear a sunhat.
● Pack snacks! Keep some granola bars in your bag, and always carry a water bottle – you’re hydrating for two!
● Be a diva. This is one of the rare times when no one can say no to you – let everyone else look after you and pamper you! You deserve it!
● Enjoy some well-deserved alone time! This is going to be the last chance to have time to yourself for a good long while, so relish it while you can!
Whether this is your first baby or another addition to your brood, Mama, you deserve to really enjoy this time. Make the most of these last moments before Baby arrives – with a little planning and preparation, you can satisfy your love of travel, even while growing a tiny human inside you!
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